Face to face CYCT Hearings will resume from 29th June 2020.
Now that we are in Phase 5 we will be returning to holding face to face CYCT Hearings.
Although social distancing is no longer required we will continue to respect your personal space. If we are not able to achieve this in our Tribunal room at Briarwood we will hold the Hearing at another venue. We will also continue to follow good respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene in line with the States guidance.
We understand that some people may still feel anxious about attending a Hearing. If you are concerned please contact us on 213290 or [email protected] as soon as you receive the letter to tell you the date and time of the Hearing. The Tribunal members may decide to excuse your attendance in person and make arrangements for you to take part remotely.
Please also contact us to let us know if you are unwell and please follow the States guidance and stay at home. If you are feeling well enough to take part in the Hearing we will make arrangements for you to take part remotely.
You can also provide the Hearing with your views in writing. You can do this by sending an email to [email protected] or a letter to Briarwood, La Grande Rue, St Martins. The Convenor will make sure that your views are passed on to the Tribunal members.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to Briarwood